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APT Resilience and Wellness

Adapt. Persevere. Thrive.

APT Resilience and Wellness supports the development of skills, strategies and
practices that help to ensure your experience of resilience for the challenges facing you now and in the days ahead.

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Inspirational quote - Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection. Blurry retro style b

Failure is Feedback... fact, it's foundational.

At APT Resilience and Wellness, we sincerely care about your well-being and ability to adapt, persevere and thrive in the face of everyday ups and downs and the bigger hurdles in life. 

Stress is an inevitable aspect of life; indeed, it is essential. Unfortunately, if unmanaged and without a healthy relationship with it, stress can overwhelm us. That's where the skills and strategies of resilience and APT Resilience and Wellness can help. 

It is my mission to draw on my education and training in human development, sport psychology, and mental health and wellness to provide you with the skills and strategies to prepare you to overcome the challenges in front of you now and for your days ahead to enjoy a happy journey through life. 

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Counseling & Coaching for Wellness

Dr. DeCano incorporates cultural humility and an open, respectful, non-judgmental, collaborative and compassionate style to identify barriers and help clients develop the skills to find positive solutions for difficulty facing them now and matters going forward. Through integrating aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), mindfulness practices and Positive Psychology, Dr. DeCano's work is geared toward supporting late adolescents, emerging adults, adults and parents to help individuals navigate a range of challenges. You can also find Dr. DeCano at Seattle Psychology here: (

Parent Coaching

Optimal Child Outcomes and Personal Wellness

Unless you pursued an education in human or child development and/or parenting, you're like most parents, learning on the job. For such an important role, it's amazing that we don't more intentionally prepare soon-to-be parents. With my training in human and child development and understanding of behavior problems and behavior change, I can work with you to develop strategies to support your children and understand the function of problem behaviors. This understanding can empower you to make informed decisions on how to best support your child and, as a result, you.

College Readiness & Resilience

Develop the skills to prepare you for optimal success in higher education

Dr. DeCano has a wealth of experience teaching college students skills and strategies that serve as protective factors that promote resilience to face the rigors of college. This program follows research recommendations to provide preventative supports and is designed to prepare college-bound students and their parents. This program is a 1-day workshop designed to provide families with knowledge and tools that can be used to help students manage college pressures and stress and support students' focus on their aspirations, growth from their challenges and the realization of their personal and professional goals in college and beyond.

Change and Transition Support

Learn ways to positively experience the heightened levels of stress that come with change and transitions

Change and transition are typically accompanied by higher levels of stress. Not being prepared for these life events can significantly disrupt our wellness and even trigger more lasting difficulty. On the other hand, with a clear understanding of key aspects related to transitions, we can experience them positively and even grow from them.

Get in Touch

Consultation & Invited Talks

Infuse resilience, wellness and motivation into your own work and/or organization

Dr. DeCano is available to work with you and your team (athletic & non-athletic) to develop strategies that support resilience, optimize performance, and identify action steps to meet values-informed goals. Additionally, Dr. DeCano has experience leading workshops, leading programs and delivering invited talks about resilience, mindfulness, and other aspects of positive psychology.

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Adapt and Persevere...and you will Thrive

Dr. DeCano has devoted his adult life and professional experiences to working with young people in and out of sport and for a range of issues, all for the outcome of supporting wellness and a greater capacity for living a happy, fulfilled and meaningful life.

Dr. DeCano's M.A. degree in Kinesiology, focused on youth and moral development through sport, provides him with a foundational understanding of human development, motivation and performance. His Doctoral work in School Psychology provides Dr. DeCano with a lens of prevention and a familiarity with systems-level activity and change, given the inherent role of school psychologists in education. The combination of these degrees, and collaboration with colleagues, resulted in the development of multiple resilience curricula, classes and workshops designed to foster resilience skills and strategies and the development of a the APT Framework for resilience that serves as a roadmap to increase the capacity for an individual or entity to experience resilience.

Dr. DeCano's experiences include:

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Desert Road

"Believe you can and you're half way there."

Theodore Roosevelt

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Contact Us

200 W. Mercer, Suite 111, Seattle WA 98119


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